Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
~ Charles Wesley, 1738

Friday, January 27, 2012

Review of Dave Harvey's "When Sinners Say 'I do.'"

When Sinners Say When Sinners Say "I Do": Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage by Dave Harvey

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dave Harvey's book, When Sinners Say 'I Do' is a unique book on the topic of marriage. It does not address the problems in marriage as being fundamentally misunderstandings of personality, or a failure to communicate; rather, Harvey points us to the real root of our marital problems--sin.

The subtitle captures the hope for people who will freely admit that they are sinners: "Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage." The typical psychologically based book will give one techniques for manipulation of your spouse to get them to do what you want--this book is refreshing, because it gently helps one understand their own part in the problem.

Harvey writes, "Marriage is joined upon a field of great spiritual battles. But it rests within a war that is already won. Our real opponent is not on the opposite side of the bed, but within our hearts" (pg. 58).

While the book places marriage within a theology, it is a theology that gives hope and practical advice for those who see themselves as sinners. Dave advises the use of mercy, forgiveness, and grace to help our marriages--all elements of which we are recipients in the gospel.

Harvey has a great section on sex which is both discrete and pastoral. He gives us a perspective which is unique: Devotion to one another--a means to serve one another. It is a viewpoint that is not usually taken by most popular marriage self-help books.

Harvey's last chapter is very helpful for those who are preparing to lose a spouse, entitled: When Sinners say Goodbye. A wonderful resource for those who have hope in the gospel.

I would recommend this as a primer for marriage and for marriages that need the restorative influence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

View all my reviews

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Another New Year and another Resolution

Last year, I began with a resolution to read and blog on 12 books--at least, once per month. This past year, by grace alone, I have completed this goal with a surplus of 11 more.

Since I have just recently accepted the call to a new senior pastorate, my reading challenge will take on a new approach. As needs and challenges push one to refine one's thinking, I believe I will now focus my attention on a topic for this year; or at least 6 months, and then take a new topic for the remainder.

Having already been asked to officiate at one, and probably more weddings this Summer, I plan to read extensively in the Marriage category in the coming months and blog my review and general observations. My blog may at times include my personal meditations on the topic of marriage as I pass through the pages others have left us--but, this blog will continue to be primarily a book review blog.

To give you a sample of the books ahead...

I am currently reading When Sinners Say 'I Do' by Dave Harvey.

Over the next 3 months, I will be reading...

What Did You Expect?? by Paul David Tripp
Marriage Matters by Winston T. Smith
The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller
This Momentary Marriage by John Piper
Getting Ready for the Wedding by the Parrotts
Preparing for Marriage by Dennis Rainey
Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts by the Parrotts
Preparing For Marriage God's Way by Wayne Mack

Thanks for joining me on the journey and keeping me accountable...if you think of any other good books on the topic of marriage, please don't hesitate to forward me a link.

About Me

Happily married and the father of 4 wonderful boys.

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