My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Bob Penhearow surveys the backstory of the spiritual life of Spurgeon. Spurgeon's ministerial mentorship did not just occur with those close to him, but through the words and life of men who pre-dated Spurgeon by several decades. Men such as Gill, Bunyan, and Fuller influenced the spiritual life of Spurgeon. Penhearow takes a good look at the evidence that Spurgeon inherited the spirituality of these men as seen in the frequent quotations in his writing, preaching, and teaching ministries. On a personal level, I was encouraged by the piety of Spurgeon, Bunyan, Gill, and Fuller to develop within myself by the Spirit's help a closer dependence on God's grace in my personal ministry and fellowship with my God. This is a worth-while read for pastors and laymen alike.
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