Luke teaches us about hearing and accepting God's Word and
becoming a member of His family. While we are all God's creation, only those
who accept Jesus as their savior become part of family.
Outsiders might not consider God's Family too impressive as
Luke opens with Jesus traveling “through every city and village” sharing the
Gospel. (8:1-3) With Him are the 12 disciples and three women (each of
whom we see later at the cross and the tomb).
All are from various stations of life and, like all of us,
have faults and made mistakes. The key is that each (except for Judas Iscariot)
not only heard God's Word, but embraced it and saw it bear fruit in their
Jesus illustrates not only the importance of hearing God's
Word, but of taking it to heart through the Parable of the Soils (8:4-15).
Jesus uses a farmer sowing seeds to show how people react to
God's Word.
Some seeds fall on the edge of the road, where they are
either trampled by people or eaten by birds. This shows people who hear the
Word, only to have the Devil quickly take it from their hearts. Some seeds fall on rocks, only to quickly sprout and wither
due to lack of moisture. This shows people who happily receive the Word, but
lack the roots to sustain their faith through tough times.
Some seed falls in good ground, but shares that ground with
weeds and thorns. This shows people who have their faith overtaken and choked
out by material and fleshly desires. But the seeds that fall on good soil have deep roots and
produce much fruit. This shows us the kind of heart that hears and responds to
the Word of God — for it alone holds the response that yields fruit.
Jesus follows this with the Parable of the Lamp,
illustrating how we should let the light of His Word shine brightly, not hide
it away.
Verse 18 offers direct warning to those who turn away from,
or even hide, the light: “Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to
him more with be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have
will be taken from him.”
In today's world, verses 19-21 might appear as Jesus
disrespecting His earthly mother and brothers. After all, if you were in a
crowded gathering and where told that your family was outside and couldn't get
in, wouldn't you act to bring them to you?
Yet Jesus offers us a grand illustration, when he responds, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the Word of God and do it.”
While the words of Jesus are harsh for Mary and His
brothers, the words of Jesus filled with hope for all who respond in faith.
Becoming a member of God's family does not come from a
birthright, earthly inheritance and through a purchase of good deed. It comes
from repenting of your sins and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
This means anyone can become a member of God's family and
enjoy eternal life in heaven.
There is no easy way around it — either you repent of all
your other self-help pursuits and turn to God, or you ignore God, pull the
covers over your head and go back to sleep — and wait for the rude awakening of
the judgment of God.
If you can see the fruit of change, that is, if you see more
love, more patience, more gentleness, and grace—you will reap the blessings of
belief in the gospel. If you
cannot see growth in your life—you should not be so sure of your profession —
maybe it is just a profession without substance.
Jesus encourages you to take care then how you hear — it makes the difference between
stagnation and growth, between dream and reality, between death and life,
between despair and joy.
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