My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Francis Chan's book Forgotten God was well written and worth the read. I've come from a background that for fear of being too charismatic has down-played the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. As Chan works through Scripture texts, he forcefully points out the work of the Holy Spirit in redemption, sanctification, and perseverance--all key components of the gospel power at work in our lives. I was struck with the simple and straight forward way his book reminds just how important the Holy Spirit is in the life of a believer. Readers will want to be aware that in Chan's presentation he is a bit 'soft' on the cessation of the gift of prophetic utterance--although he does qualify very carefully his position by suggesting that the church body at large needs do a better job of censoring what is and is not actual utterance (pg. 54-56). Aside from this potential by-path meadow, the book as a whole is helpfully provocative for believers who from time to time act as though their raw talent, effort, and natural charisma can produce success in the Christian life. Living in this way demonstrates that we have essentially "Forgotten God," that is, God the Holy Spirit.
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Thx for the review, John. I'll put it on my "to-be-read" list.